EZRA and the Organic Orchestra company
1 . Artistic project - Narrative environment
In the year 2070, a few inhabitants of Cellonia, the fabulous paper city erected 40 years before, set off with the idea to 'dreamalop' a new, disterritorial city named Oniri, with volunteers they met on the way. The city takes shape via iteration, revealing itself through testimonials collected at the halts along the journey, and all-the-while, Oniri, the show evolves.
The project is carried out by Juliette Guignard for songs and collecting testimonials, Alexandre Machefel, video projector and Ezra for music. Together, they create a show which takes on new forms in the course of meeting the inhabitants. The words pronounced and put to music and video build a collection of artwork recounting the founding of the city of Oniri.
2. Research topics
A research residency on energy self-sufficiency by limiting energy consumption to not exceed 1 KWh for a one-hour show, and minimising the transport of the artistic production equipment.
This production is yet another opportunity for Organic Orchestra company to create and perform, staying faithful to their transdisciplinary and contemporary approach with limited bulk, weight and being energy self-sufficient. Four people will transport the music and video instruments, computers, remote controls in pop-up-boxes, along with technical equipment (projector, lights, amplifiers and stage elements) suitable for an audience of 100 people. They challenge themselves to not surpass 1kWh power consumption for a one-hour show.
EZRA - Music & Beatbox
Beatboxer and artistic director of the Organic Orchestra Company, Ezra has been initiating projects mixing music, video, scenography, live performance and digital arts for almost 15 years. Trained in electroacoustic composition and image and sound relations at the University of Marne la Vallée from 2003 to 2005, he has become a recognised member of the international beatbox scene by devoting himself to the development of this discipline through multiple artistic creations, pedagogical courses, university research work and the organisation of events such as the French Human Beatbox Championship.
around the world in collaboration with artists such as Kid Koala, Wax Tailor, Camille, Mohamed Abozekry, Anti VJ, D'de Kabal, Olivier Melano, Hey! Zutano Bazar, Maotik and many others. In 2007, he founded the company Organic Orchestra through which he initiated creations such as Bionic Breath Makers, Five Fingers (2007), Bionicologists (2010), Bionic Orchestra (2011), BO 2.0 (2013), Time Laps (commissioned by the festival La Folle Journée 2016), Chrones (2016), Ezra & Alex (2017) or Oniri 2068 (2018), Solstice (2019).
Through the Laboratoire d'Exploration Technique et Poétique, Ezra has been designing since 2008 various sound and visual performance tools such as the B-Glove, Le Grand Méchant Loop, Pop Up Box or Immedia but also interactive installations such as Choeur de Papier, Souriez vous êtes Trackés or Aïdem. Since 2014, he has been organising and accompanying transdisciplinary creativity sessions on various subjects involving the use of technology in creation.
A particular interest in science fiction, ecological relations and the maritime world has led him to create a series of shows on the fantastic world of Oniri and to collaborate on projects such as Elemen'terre by joining, at the invitation of Marie Tabarly, the Pen Duick VI team in Iceland in 2018.
Founded by Ezra, a beatboxer, the Organic Orchestra Company (Cie O_O) produces creations that are both contemporary and popular, transdisciplinary and collaborative. For almost 10 years, Ezra has been able to federate a team of artists, technicians, scientists, engineers, educators, makers, self-taught or graduated, but also curious and committed cultural actors. The company brings together individuals who share the common trait of being enthusiastic seekers, breakers and explorers. We draw from organic sources of inspiration as simple and rich as beatbox or paper, to confront them with the tools and technologies of our time. We act in a dynamic of permanent questioning of the modalities of creation, dissemination, and exchange with the public (immersive and interactive devices, participative approaches, collaborative creation processes). Having thus created a powerful laboratory of creativity, in parallel with a network of contributors, we are experimenting with new forms in fields as diverse as performance, installations, educational interventions or collaborative research (workshops).
These experiments are profoundly praxeological, integrating with the same level of interest, research - artistic, living, digital and/or technological, pedagogical - and the relationship with others (whether they are participants, audiences, project actors). The play space thus becomes a place of popular exploration, offering the spectator poetic and eminently sensitive artistic forms, voluntarily accessible to all.
The Organic Orchestra Company is an association under the law of 1901, supported by the Ministry of Culture - DRAC Pays de la Loire, the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire, the Departmental Council of Sarthe and the City of Le Mans for its structuring and projects.
- UGA / G2ELab - Programme Eco-SESA
- CEA/Liten
- Darja Dubravcic, biologist and expert in biomimicry
- Marc Higgin, anthropologist (UGA)