EZRA and the Organic Orchestra company

1 . Artistic project - Narrative environment
In the year 2070, a few inhabitants of Cellonia, the fabulous paper city erected 40 years before, set off with the idea to 'dreamalop' a new, disterritorial city named Oniri, with volunteers they met on the way. The city takes shape via iteration, revealing itself through testimonials collected at the halts along the journey, and all-the-while, Oniri, the show evolves.

The project is carried out by Juliette Guignard for songs and collecting testimonials, Alexandre Machefel, video projector and Ezra for music. Together, they create a show which takes on new forms in the course of meeting the inhabitants. The words pronounced and put to music and video build a collection of artwork recounting the founding of the city of Oniri.

2. Research topics

A research residency on energy self-sufficiency by limiting energy consumption to not exceed 1 KWh for a one-hour show, and minimising the transport of the artistic production equipment.

This production is yet another opportunity for Organic Orchestra company to create and perform, staying faithful to their transdisciplinary and contemporary approach with limited bulk, weight and being energy self-sufficient. Four people will transport the music and video instruments, computers, remote controls in pop-up-boxes, along with technical equipment (projector, lights, amplifiers and stage elements) suitable for an audience of 100 people. They challenge themselves to not surpass 1kWh power consumption for a one-hour show.