Thanks to the PRESTIGE* project on new printed materials with which the CEA has teamed up with Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences, Atelier Arts Sciences will work on a European project for three years involving partners from Finland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Great Britain and France.
The European project is focusing on new materials and their possible applications to address the challenges of contemporary urban life.
Atelier Arts Sciences is accordingly holding a workshop, an arts sciences residency. An arts science work will be presented at EXPERIMENTA LE SALON in February 2020, while an international conference on the subject will also be held during the event.
- A five-day arts science workshop was held on 15-19 October 2018 on new printed materials. Through this workshop we wanted to take an interest in the issue of sharing in an urban context through three themes: energy, health and mobility. The workshop brought together artists, researchers and design engineers and students.
The workshop's objective was to collectively explore possible scenarios for the use of new materials in an artistic context. Artists led the theme. The rest of the teams will circulate throughout the workshop between the different questions to enhance the concepts with their various skills and technologies.
- An Arts Sciences residency for the development of a work/prototype integrating new materials
- A work created and presented at the next EXPERIMENTA 2020 event
- An international conference during the Forum (early February 2020)
The workshop on new materials will take place over five 5 days on 15 to 19 October at the Maison des OpenLabs. It will make it possible for invited artists, designers and scientists to explore together the possible applications of three specific materials: conductive ink, flexible photovoltaics and haptic feedback.
It will bring some 30 people together:
6 artists and developers
Rocio Berenguer and Léopold Frey (Cie Pulso), Stéphane Bonnard and Olivier Radisson (KompleXKapharnüM), Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy and Hervé Cherblanc (scénographes indépendants)
11 scientists
Including five CEA scientists (Antoine Latour, Léo Merchat, Léo Merchat, Helga Szambolics, Nicolas Dunoyer) and six other scientists from French and European laboratories who partner the PRESTIGE project (Jean Luc Rehspringer, Karolina David, Mari Ylikunnari, Christos Chochos, Dong Bach Vo)
3 moderators
Katie Beverley, Gernot Oberfell, Amy Lowe
4 design students
From three French design schools: La Martinière Diderot (Lyon), ENSCI (Paris), Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique.
One concept illustrator Etienne Giorgetti
A designer en charge de la réalisation du livrable final Roger Pitiot
4 outside speakers engaged in the issues of health, energy, mobility and sharing
One national scene (Hexagone, Scene Nationale Arts Sciences)
6 French and European Research Laboratories (CEA, IPC, RB NANO, VTT, ADVENT ENERGY, LEITAT)
2 universities (University of Glasgow, Cardiff University)
1 German design studio (Werteroberfell)
Following the workshop, an artistic project will be selected for a residency which will take place at Atelier Arts Sciences and will be presented during EXPERIMENTA, LE SALON 2020.
Following the workshop, the selected project is KomplexKapharnaüm: Architecture du Soleil
a system comprising light panels, making it easy to assemble ephemeral structures deployed in the city and to host projections, exhibitions, performances, meals. The system makes it possible to explore energy autonomy and rethink the relationship to energy, to make it appear as a limited, and therefore precious, resource.
To be discovered during EXPERIMENTA 2020
KompleX KapharnaüM tries across its projects to transform public areas into a stage space and to experiment with various ways of filling it. It creates meetings, upsets borders and diverts spaces. Migration – une architecture du soleil is an architectural kit that is deployed in urban areas to go out and meet the inhabitants and host various forms of artistic expression. The structure is equipped with printed photovoltaic surfaces and flexible batteries, which in turn allows energy to be captured and stored for use in the activities that the structure can house. Once charged, the battery panels can then be moved and used for different activities. The installation explores the idea of energy autonomy but also questions the apparent ease of access to energy by offering the viewer choices: powering sound, lighting a ball, making coffee. The PRESTIGE* residency allowed the company to take over two materials under development in the European project: flexible and organic batteries and printed photovoltaic surfaces. Artists THE WORK
Stéphane Bonnard, co-artistic director of Komplex KapharnaüM
Antoine Latour, Functionalised Components and Surfaces Laboratory — Thibault Gutel, Jérémie Salomon, Engineer CEA Liten / Battery components laboratory — Mari Ylikunnari, scientist, VTT Finland
Thurs. 13 FEB 2020 > 5.30 to 7.00 p.m. at EXPERIMENTA, the Forum
Auditorium Grenoble INP
Simultaneous translation French / English
How do artistic creation and production take environmental issues into account? With alarming public messages from global institutions and scientific personalities, the urgency to change the model of our ways of producing, working, consuming, moving and creating is gradually being entering the collective consciousness. Artists integrate environmental issues in their creative and production work. Some of them make extensive use of the latest image, sound and software technologies. What technical and technological solutions do they find to reduce their environmental and energy impact while maintaining production quality? What support do they find with broadcasting facilities?
Mixing the approach by uses with the scientific approach can bring innovative and collaborative solutions to the cultural and artistic sector.
Stephane Bonnard, artistic director - Cie Komplex KapharnaüM (Migration - Une architecture de soleil )
Ezra, artistic director - Cie Organic Orchestra (ONIRI 2070)
Cindy Liotard, CEA-Liten, engineer - Batteries technology laboratory
Thibault Gutel, CEA-Liten, engineer - Battery components Laboratory - PRESTIGE project
Jérémie Paris, studies manager, Opéra de Lyon design office
Jérôme d’Assigny,Regional Director AURA, ADEME
- Project co-financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement (761112)
6 artists and developers
Rocio Berenguer and Léopold Frey (Cie Pulso), Stéphane Bonnard and Olivier Radisson (KompleXKapharnüM), Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy and Hervé Cherblanc (scénographes indépendants)
11 scientists
Including 5 from the CEA (Antoine Latour, Léo Merchat, Léo Merchat, Helga Szambolics, Nicolas Dunoyer) and 6 other scientists from French or European partner laboratories of the PRESTIGE project (Jean Luc Rehspringer, Karolina David, Mari Ylikunnari, Christos Chochos, Dong Bach Vo)