The Cahiers retrace the life of the residencies and bear witness to the scientific, technological and artistic research carried out during the joint research period.
LE CAHIER N°13 – Terrestrial residence – N+1
Les n+1 are long-standing companions of l’Hexagone. The Scène nationale has been a partner in several of their artistic projects, so much so that their research approach, in a permanent crossroads between the arts and sciences, resonates with its concerns, its questioning and its objectives. “Le Vivant”, which is a cornerstone of the Hexagone project, was the subject of the residency we report on in this Cahier.
It took place over a two-year period in Grenoble, as well as in Saint-Nazaire (L’Athénor) and Apt (Vélo Théâtre).
LE CAHIER N°12 – Artificial intelligence, encounters between artists and scientists
Since its creation, the Atelier Arts Sciences has worked with performing artists on a wide range of technological and scientific subjects. In this context, recent advances in Artificial Intelligence – often spectacular – and the fundamental and societal questions raised by this field have aroused both our interest and that of many artists. This interest echoed that of the Grenoble scientific community and in particular the MIAI, one of the four 3IA institutes (Interdisciplinary Institutes in Artificial Intelligence) created by the French government in 2019.
LE CAHIER N°11 – Résidence 2018 – 2020 avec Lionel Palun
Lionel Palun, artiste électro-vidéaste, un compagnon de route de longue date a participé à plusieurs éditions d’EXPERIMENTA, la Biennale Arts Sciences et mené différentes activités de recherche à l’Atelier Arts Sciences. Il a d’abord exploré et mis en pratique la conversion de données informatiques en images, présenté ses œuvres dans des Rêves Party qui rassemblent le monde de l’entreprise et celui de la recherche scientifique, participé à l’exposition « Attention Intelligences » (commande du MAIF Social Club à l’Atelier Arts Sciences). Il a enfin participé à des séminaires scientifiques liés à l’intelligence artificielle, et poursuivi ses recherches artistiques sur la scène de l’Hexagone, Scène Nationale Arts Sciences. Il a également mené un projet de recherche création en lien étroit avec la metteure en scène Isis Fahmy et des enseignants-chercheurs de l’UMR Litt&Arts de l’Université Grenoble Alpes. Pour cette édition, Marie-Agnès Cathiard, enseignante-chercheuse en sciences du langage, Patrick Pajon, enseignant-chercheur en sciences de la communication et Isabelle Krzywkowski, professeure de littérature contemporaine, tous trois membres de l’Université Grenoble Alpes, ont choisi de s’associer étroitement aux recherches de Lionel Palun et Isis Fahmy et offrent ici une analyse du chemin parcouru ensemble.
THE CAHIER N°10 – EAST – Imaginations of an arts and sciences school project
Culture in the 21st century is artistic, scientific and earthly. We could add technology; however, let us consider that it is included in the scientific dimension, since the greatest scientific adventures today are also technological adventures. Let us also consider that the first technology for each child is his or her mother tongue, a language that will shape his or her imagination and relationship to the world. In these Notebooks, we have gathered together elements of our experience to share, from the simplest of activities between the arts and sciences to the most accomplished forms of artistic, scientific and terrestrial approach, as well as avenues of reflection which remain very open, but which are a way of making it easier to find one’s bearings in the storm of ideas and practices.
The Cahiers n° 9 retraces the PRESTIGE workshop that took place in October 2018. By inviting the partners of the European PRESTIGE project to participate in a workshop with artists, the Atelier Arts Sciences brings together the world of research in new materials with the eclectic universe of several artists proposed by the Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences at a time of burning social issues (IPCC report, collapse theory, migratory flows, natural disasters).
THE CAHIER N°8 – EZRA – Cie Organic Orchestra
The Cahiers n° 8 retraces Ezra’s residency. In 2011, he met the members of the Atelier Arts Sciences for the first time, and no one could imagine the long scientific, technological and artistic history that would develop between his company, Organic Orchestra, and the Atelier Arts Sciences team.
This story between tradition and modernity has taken several forms, but it is mainly on the creation of an interactive glove that the residency will focus.
THE CAHIER N°7 – Michele Tadini & Angelo Guiga
The Cahier n° 7 concern the scientific, artistic and technological research carried out during the LA TERZA LUCE residence.
They retrace the two years of work carried out within the Workshop between Michele Tadini, composer and Angelo Guiga, technologist, researcher on the synchronicity between sound and light and on synesthesia.
THE CAHIER N°6 – Aurélie and Pascal Baltazar
Residency 2010/2011 – A.R.T.S. Prize 2010
This 6th cahier offers the opportunity to take a further step in research and experimentation between artists and scientists.
This research residency gave rise to particularly qualitative collaborations between the various protagonists of the project. Open to the questions and suggestions of the CEA scientists, the artists explored layer by layer the physical, technological and conceptual questions related to light.
THE CAHIER N°5 – Company Adrien M / Claire B
Residency 2009/2010/2011 – Welcome to the world of Adrien Mondot
With Adrien Mondot a new path was explored. The Atelier Arts Sciences and the seasons of the Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences – Meylan accompanied him for three years: an experience that took place in Meylan and Grenoble, but also in many places that welcomed and supported his work on several continents. Adrien Mondot is a juggler and a computer scientist. To this double skill is added a sense of poetry that has made him an artist.
THE CAHIER N°4 – EXEO – Valérie Legembre
Residency 2010
The installation of Valérie Legembre, a visual artist and photographer, in the CEA laboratories has initiated a different form of residency from those experienced since 2007. She has been interested in the world of the infinitely small for a long time and with pugnacity, and we have seen her move from the micro world (residency at STMicroelectronics) to the nano world in a few years to create works using her Peaux-de-Photos® process. For the Atelier Arts Sciences, this residency is new in several respects: the project comes from an internal team, it is based on fundamental research and not on applied research, it concerns the plastic arts and not the performing arts.
THE CAHIER N°3 – Cie Les Rémouleurs – Olivier Vallet
Residency 2010 – A.R.T.S. prize 2009
The project Goldilocks and the 33 variations won the first international A.R.T.S. prize launched in 2009 by the Atelier Arts Sciences. With this call for projects, the Atelier opens its doors to new artists and new scientists, but above all, offers teams to present themselves already constituted around a research project. Faced with a wide variety of technological projects, it was poetry that won the jury’s heart by selecting a research project on soap film.
THE CAHIER N°2 – EZ3kiel – Yann Nguema
Résidence 2009
The second residency of the Arts-Sciences Workshop was a two-year journey between the contemporary music group EZ3kiel and scientists from the CEA. Along the way, it opened its doors to another partner, ERASME, the Rhône multimedia centre. The residency had a double outcome with the installations Les Mécaniques poétiques d’EZ3kiel at the CCSTI in Grenoble and the concerts equipped with the interactive balloon at the Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences – Meylan. The idea of diversion accompanied this residency from start to finish.
THE CAHIER N°1 – Cie Lanabel – Annabelle Bonnéry
Résidence 2007
The first residency of the Atelier Arts Sciences, Virus//Antivirus, a name borrowed from the show that was its artistic outcome, brought together for several months a choreographer/performer and a researcher in information processing to question the relationship between art and technology, between artistic gesture and the production of music through the latest miniaturised motion sensor created within the Microsystems and Communicating Objects Department (CEA/LETI/DCIS): the “Motion Pod.