In light of necessary ecological transitions, the development of some technologies such as artificial intelligence, which forces us to question our models of society in the face of an increasingly divisive relationship between science and society, the artistic imagination offers new questions, a new shift and leads to new ideas, innovative new projects that traditional innovation patterns could never have contemplated.
Atelier Arts Sciences offers companies several types of collaboration and wishes to diversify projects as much as possible with the private sector with several ambitions:
⇒ Make it possible for companies to think differently
⇒ Plan ahead for future uses, trends and changes
⇒ Look at the world with a bias, a staging approach, stories to tell for tomorrow to its employees, customers, partners
⇒ Acquire an offset and off-centre prospective vision
⇒ Make different use of existing technologies through the artistic act
⇒ Invent new ways to do things together, produce, create
⇒ Create, search, innovate with different disciplines, artistic ones in particular
⇒ Take the path of sensitiveness, aesthetics, emotion to seek otherwise, transform our professions.
Several offers have been devised for this purpose:
IMMERSION OFFER (day or evening)
Atelier Arts Sciences welcomes you during the day and evening for your “high points”: seminars, meetings, team outings, etc., in the workshop premises featuring cutting-edge tools and high-tech collaborative spaces: immersive room, creative studio, smart room / creative room, conviviality, patio, etc.
These moments are an opportunity for the company to meet the Atelier Arts Sciences team, to benefit from the input from artists and/or scientists collaborating on research topics and to become familiar with the innovation ecosystem that surrounds arts science projects.
These immersion times are often the beginning of future collaboration.
WORKSHOP OFFER (3 to 10 days)
Workshops address a twofold need expressed by companies: firstly, to face new ways of thinking collectively, to make, to produce, to work with very different disciplines and secondly, to find new ideas, new concepts, intercept weak signals and major trends while reflecting on the broad changes in progress.
The company shares its issue with Atelier Arts Sciences as a subject which the ASW steering committee will work on. The artistic director’s team at Atelier Arts Sciences and Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences then selects artists from various disciplines. The Atelier Arts Sciences team then calls in CEA scientists with these artists along with experts on the issue, academics in the humanities and social sciences, and student designers (depending on the issue).
Themes are sometimes technological, but most often question the ecological, economic and scientific changes that will impact the company more or less over the long term.
The workshop is usually held in Grenoble. Workshops last about three days (spread over four days) and bring together an average of 20 participants from different disciplines.
Artists do not aim to find solutions for the company but rather imagine concepts and question major transformations. Through poetic circumventions, aesthetics and going off the beaten path, staff and management who are involved are prompted to develop their own responses. The workshop and involved artists make it possible to ask questions differently and to make unexpected detours that open up other perspectives.
Workshop examples:
–Workshop for Renault– innovative services for mobile passenger compartment – four artists involved
–Workshop for BPI France, Le Lab – the role of tomorrow’s leader in light of technological, ecological and societal developments – five artists involved
RESIDENCE OFFER (several months)
Atelier Arts Sciences also makes it possible for companies to engage in longer-term research and creation projects with two options:
- Option 1, the company becomes a partner in a research and creation project initiated by Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences, a group of scientists or an artist. This partnership takes the form of a contribution of expertise, skills or a financial contribution. The company is selected for its proximity to the subject of study. Residency results are not the property of the company, although it can make use of them in its sector of activity.
Rare earths residency with Hoomano and the MIAI
Jules Verne Glasses residency with start-ups Microoled and ActiVmotion
- Option 2, the company initiates research and a creation project. It submits a subject and finances the entire research. The company does own the results, although the artist can use the research in creativity and artistic diffusion.
At the end of 2017, MAIF proposed that Atelier Arts Sciences work on artificial intelligence, a subject at the heart of the concerns of the insurance industry. Atelier Arts Sciences devised an exhibition called attention intelligences! which brought together 13 artists and 8 original works in the MAIF SOCIAL CLUB, LE LIEU… A place for innovation and experimentation for Maif.
- Option 3 : Immersion residency
In early 2019 Atelier Arts Sciences also launched a brand new type of residencies that put artistic creation within the company by promoting porosity, friction and immersion over longer periods.
An artist is immersed in the company for several days a month for about one or two years. The research topic is jointly determined by the artist, the company and Atelier Arts Sciences.
This format very much disrupts the working conditions for artists, scientists and companies and questions the traditional residency formats that generally take place at Atelier Arts Sciences within artistic companies or CEA laboratories.
This type of residency makes it possible to reach a large number of employees, offers a new playing field and experimentation for artists and allows the development of artistic creation directly from the business community.
Atelier Arts Sciences plays a crucial role in connecting teams with the artist, who must also know when to take a step back over specific periods to allow friction to occur without bias.
This format is not new to the plastic arts community where many artists immerse themselves in the company in order to create a work with the teams’ materials and know-how.
Example: Director Nicolas Ramond in immersion at Renault in a highly strategic program for the vehicle manufacturer focusing on rethinking the electronic architecture of the car.
EXPERIMENTA, the Arts Sciences Biennale is a great opportunity for companies to meet over a short period with a wide range of artists and be exposed to works, approaches and installations, all stemming from collaboration between artists and scientists.
With a trade fair, forum and shows, EXPERIMENTA is a showcase for current changes and a laboratory of ideas, questions and poetry.
Atelier Arts Sciences proposes courses devised with the company on one or more innovation themes at play within the company.
- Offre 1 : Immersive tours
⇒ Access to the biennial event: professional day, inauguration evening that brings together the cultural sector, research and the business world and makes a break from the usual space of network evenings.
⇒ Individual meetings with artists present at the trade fair. Discussions revolve around business issues and artists’ artistic creations.
⇒ Thematic visits
⇒ Meetings with the CEA innovation ecosystem: laboratories, showrooms, dedicated teams. - Offre 2 : Sponsorships and official partnerships
The workshop is also looking for sponsors to support the Biennale, increase its international influence and presence in the Grenoble region. - Offre 3 : Privatization of the exhibition and mobilization of 150 artists and scientists only for your company!
The Atelier Arts Sciences offers you the opportunity to privatize the exhibition for one of your key annual events that will bring together all your employees and with whom you want to share a unique, inspiring and unusual moment.
If you would like to meet us or exchange with us, please contact us!
Follow us on linkedin!