[25 to 27 January 21] - [30 june to 2 july 21]

Scientific Exploration Artistic Group

Atelier Arts Sciences, in conjunction with MIAI Grenoble and Quai des Savoirs, organised a scientific exploration event focusing on artificial intelligence for artists. The aim was to impart knowledge about the issue of artificial intelligence through guest scientists to prompt exchanges and discussions between scientific, artistic and collective imaginative worlds and individual ones with the artists present.

GAES brought together 12 artists and 10 scientists.

Deux sessions ont été organisées et se sont tenues respectivement à Grenoble et à Toulouse. La session à Grenoble a eu lieu du 25 au 27 janvier 2021 à l'Atelier Arts Sciences et celle de Toulouse au Quai des Savoirs s'est déroulée du 30 juin au 2 juillet 2021.

GAES brought together 12 artists and 10 scientists.

Two sessions were held in Grenoble and Toulouse respectively. The Grenoble session took place on 25-27 January 2021 at Atelier Arts Sciences, while the Toulouse event was held at  Quai des Savoirson 30 June to 2 July 2021.

GAES - Session 1 - Grenoble

The Grenoble event addressed the following issues:
- AI and health
- AI society and ethics
- AI and the environment
- AI realities and fantasies

For an overview of these discussions, a summary of the three days was produced by  Michel Ida, head of the societal impact of new technologies / Technology division at the CEA.

GAES - Session 2 - Toulouse

Topics covered
 - AI and transport
- AI and language
- AI and health

Educational intent
Each half-day was punctuated by presentations from AI specialists and scientists considering the themes in question

Partners : MIAI/Hexagone - CEA and Quai des Savoirs, ANITI
Financing : Fondation Carasso, MIAI, Hexagone/ CEA, Quai des Savoirs/Toulouse Métropole.

Part of the ARTificial Intelligence Lab European project co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe program.

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