Hexagon is a partner in the WAVY (Wearable hAptics for Virtual reality) project co-financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and led by the CEA List (Saclay). The research focuses on the sensation of touch in virtual reality. L'Hexagone is the sole cultural partner. It involves the artist and engineer David Alexandre Chanel of Théoriz Studio, which specialises in the design of immersive installations. The aim is to integrate perceptual illusions through the development of haptic technologies within artistic universes in virtual reality. These artistic creations will be tested with a variety of audiences, notably during EXPERIMENTA 22, which will explore the limits and potentialities of the sensitive VR experience.
The project lasts 3 years and started this autumn.
ANR submission in 2019 and obtained in 2021. First working session on 7 December 2021 at the Atelier Arts Sciences.
David Alexandre Chanel and his team at Théoriz Studio.
Researcher Sabrina Panëels (List/Diasi/LISA) à Saclay (Essonne)
The Lille-based start-up Go Touch VR is developing a system that provides the real sensation of touch in a virtual world Éric Vezzoli
The Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), multidisciplinary research laboratory/Sorbonne University (Paris VI), CNRS: researcher David Gueorguiev