Dialogue with the Grenoble Innovation Club

The Arts and Sciences Workshop held a dialogue with the Innovation Club visiting the Rhône-Alpes region on Wednesday 17 November 2021.
The members of the Innovation Club are French companies involved in innovation.
During their visit to the CEA / Y.SPOT ecosystem, L’Atelier presented its activities, its ways of getting artists, scientists and companies to work together on common research and creation topics, and its capacity to renew imaginations by addressing crucial issues with civil society.
Robin Renucci, present this week on the boards of the Hexagon with Oblomov, the latest show of the Tréteaux de France, shared with the directors of innovation present, several thoughts.
… around the value of time
… around the need to emancipate man, to “elevate” him from school onwards, where we sometimes move too quickly from “elevation” to “evaluation” without going through the phase of experimentation, of research, which is nonetheless fundamental later on, to innovation
… around the urgency to get out of stupefaction in order to rediscover desire, this state of “non-regard”, in the present moment before considering it for the future…
An interlude around words and language which nourished the participants and echoed the professions of innovation where the stakes for reinventing the future, today, are high.